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Letter Cards for Sensory Writing


These letter cards help kids learn to write the letters of the alphabet in sand trays and sensory trays. They’re a great addition to Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten literacy centers.

Alphabet Letter Cards for Writing

Young children love learning to write letters using sand trays and sensory trays. I love sand trays because they are easy to prep and fun to write in. I created the following set of alphabet letter cards in a range of fonts, to make preparing a handwriting center super easy!

How to Make a Sand Tray for Handwriting

Preparation – Start by finding a medium size container. I love these foil take away containers as they often come with a lid too. Next, fill the tray with colored sand. I bought mine from a homeware store in the section where they sell things to fill vases. Finally, put a feather in the tray that has quite a strong end bit.


<<Grab these printable letter cards here>>


Letter Formation Cards for Sensory Trays

Preparation –  Begin by printing and laminating the alphabet letter cards for added durability. Before you laminate them, fold the card so the capital letter is back to back with the lower case letter. Once the cards are prepped, grab a sand tray and a feather.

How to Play – Choose a letter card, then say the letter name and beginning sound. The kids can look at the picture on the card for a clue. For example, /e/ for elephant. After that, put the lower case letter in the tray and write it in the sand with the feather. Finally, flip the card over and write the capital letter too.


Tips – Choose one letter to focus on for the day. I usually model the correct letter formation on a whiteboard and then get the kids to air write it first. Then the kids have a go at writing the letter in the sand tray. Afterwards I get them to give the tray a gentle shake to re-set the sand and then they have another go.

<<Grab these printable letter cards here>>


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