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Outer Space Activities and Crafts for Kids


These outer space crafts and activities help kids learn about the sun, moon, rockets, comets and shooting stars. They’re most suitable for kids in Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.

Space Crafts for Kids

I don’t know about you, but personally I find craft templates to be a life saver when it comes to planning thematic units! They’re low prep, help kids develop their scissor skills and can be completed with everyday craft materials. I’ve created a set of five fun space crafts, which are perfect to use when introducing outer space to students. Each craft comes with a selection of worksheet activities to help develop research and writing skills too.

You can check out some of the activities below.

Sun Craft and Worksheets


<<<Grab these sun activities here>>>

Moon Craft and Worksheets


<<<Grab these moon activities here>>>

Rocket Craft and Worksheets

This craft includes a bonus creative writing worksheet which prompts kids to consider where they’d travel if they got to go to outer space!


<<<Grab these rocket activities here>>>

Comet Craft and Worksheets


<<<Grab these comet activities here>>>

Shooting Star Craft and Worksheets

Instead of a labeling activity, the shooting star comes with a fun creative writing prompt. So kids can imagine what they’d wish for if they saw a shooting star! I’ve been lucky enough to see a few shooting stars. Here’s hoping my wishes will one day come true! 🌠


<<<Grab these shooting star activities here>>>

Recommended Website

I love the NASA website Space Place for researching space facts for kids. So be sure to check that out if you haven’t already.

Click the purple download button below to grab these craft templates and space activities.



Other Space Resources to Check Out

Planet Crafts and Activities



Solar System Crafts and Display Resources


Solar System Workbook


Space Counting Mats



Outer Space Dramatic Play






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