These pirate dice activities help kids learn counting, subitizing and addition. They’re a fun addition to Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten math centers.
Counting and Subitizing Activities
Activity 1 – Pirate Number Recognition
With both of these worksheets, kids need to match the numbers with the amounts shown on the ten frames or dice.
Activity 2 – Pirate Roll and Cover Game
Preparation – Start by printing and laminating the resources for added durability. Then grab a game board for each player, one dice and pirate coins (or counters). I love foam dice because they are quiet!
How To Play – First roll the dice and say how many dots there are. Next, place a pirate coin over the number. Continue playing until all of the numbers have been covered. The first player to cover their game board wins!
Tip – Encourage kids to practice subitizing. This is the skill of knowing “how many” dots there are at a glance (rather than counting each dot one by one).
Addition Activities
Activity 3 – Pirate Roll and Cover (Addition)
For this game you need one game board per player, two dice and pirate coins.
How To Play – Begin by taking turns rolling the dice. Next, add the dots on the dice together and place a counter over the answer. The first player to cover their game board wins! Kids can also record their sums on the recording sheet.
Activity 4 – Pirate Number Line Addition
Give each player a number line, an erasable marker, two dice and a recording worksheet.
How To Play – Start by rolling the dice. After that, use the number line to add the dots together. The first dice is used to mark the starting point on the number line. The second dice is used to indicate the number of jumps. I like regular children’s washable markers because they rub off laminated paper easily with a damp cloth.
More Fun Pirate Activities
For more great pirate freebies check out the links below.
Treasure Map Upper and Lowercase Matching Activity // I Can Teach My Child
Paper Bowl Pirate Craft // I Heart Crafty Things
Color by Code Addition Sheets // The STEM Laboratory
Busy Box // Teach Me Mommy
Beginning Sounds Activity // Mom Inspired Life
Doubling Numbers // Adventures and Play
Treasure Chest Beginning Blends Match // The Letters of Literacy
Digging for Treasure Numbers // Play and Learn Every Day
Digraph Spin and Cover // Recipe for Teaching
Color by Sight Word Activity // A Dab of Glue Will Do
Glittering Treasure Slime // Schooling a Monkey
Treasure Chest Alphabet Play Dough Mats // Modern Preschool
I Spy ABC Treasure Map Writing Activity // Powerful Mothering
Dice Activities // Fairy Poppins
Sight Word Bingo // Mrs. Jones’ Creation Station
Greater Than Less Than Activity // Science Kiddo
Monkey Beginning Sounds Activity // Pages of Grace
Sink the Sight Word // Liz’s Early Learning Spot
Number Puzzles // Sara J Creations
Story Time with Printable // Homebound but Hopeful
Treasure Chest Math Facts Sort // The Kindergarten Connection
Editable Sight Word Game // Playdough to Plato
Pirate Dramatic Play
Be sure to check out this Pirate Dramatic Play Center too! It’s perfect for “Talk like a Pirate Day” which is held annually in September.
More Counting & Subitizing Activities
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