These rhyming robot mats help kids develop phonological awareness. They’re a fun addition to Pre-K, Preschool or Kindergarten literacy centers.
Dinosaur Math Activities (0-30)
These hands on dinosaur math activities help kids learn about numbers up to thirty. They’re great for kids in Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten.
Penguin Patterning Mats
These penguin patterning mats help kids learn how to make patterns. They’re a fun addition to Pre-K, Preschool or Kindergarten math centers.
Snowman Rhyming Puzzles
These snowman rhyming puzzles help kids develop the phonemic skill of rhyme identification. They’re a great addition to phonological awareness activities in Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten.
Community Helpers – Sort & Classify Mats
These free community helper sort and classify mats are so much fun for kids learning about people who help us!
Farm Fence Number Ordering Mats
If your kids are working on identifying and ordering numbers up to 20, you’ll love these cute build a farm fence number ordering mats! There are four mats to help with differentiation.
Letter Cards for Sensory Writing
These letter cards help kids learn to write the letters of the alphabet in sand trays and sensory trays. They’re a great addition to Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten literacy centers.
CVC Spelling Mats
Kids will love spelling CVC words with these cute apple cards and spelling mats! They can be used with magnetic letters or erasable markers.
Apple CVC Spelling Mats
These FREE CVC spelling mats are a great addition to your apple activities during fall. They’re best suited to Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten.
Medial Vowel Phonics Clip Cards
These cute medial vowel clip cards help kids learn to read short vowels in CVC words. They’re a great addition to Pre-K, Preschool and Kindergarten phonics literacy centers.