Bug Crafts and Insect Activities for Kids
These garden bug crafts and activities help kids learn about an ant, bee, butterfly, caterpillar, dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug, snail, spider and worm! They include insect craft templates, research and writing activities. They’re perfect for kids in Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.
Fun Bug Activities for Kids
If you’re planning a bug, insect or garden themed unit with your students, you’re sure to find the following activities helpful. For each of the garden bugs, I’ve included a craft template AND five worksheets to learn about that insect. If you check out the pictures below, you’ll see a few of the worksheets that are included.
Easy to Prep Bug Craft Templates
The following bug craft templates are really easy to prep. All you need is some basic materials such as acrylic paint, crayons, scissors and glue. A key feature of these templates which I absolutely LOVE is that the cutting lines are thick. This makes it so much easier for kids who are still developing their scissor skills!
<<<Grab these bug craft templates here>>>
Bug Activities
For each craft, you can choose from a mix of worksheets such as labeling, writing a description or researching facts. The labeling worksheets help kids to read information text and learn new vocabulary. Kids need to begin by cutting out the labels. Next they need to look at the initial sound on the word and if possible sound it out. Most of the words are a bit advanced for young kids to read on their own, so adult assistance is needed. Once the kids know what the word is they need to paste it next to the correct part.
You can check out some examples of the ocean animal crafts below.
Bee Craft
<<<Grab these bee activities here>>>
Ant Craft
<<<Grab these ant craft activities here>>>
Butterfly Craft
<<<Grab these butterfly craft activities here>>>
Caterpillar Craft
<<<Grab these caterpillar craft templates here>>>
Dragonfly Craft
<<<Grab these dragonfly craft templates here>>>
Grasshopper Craft
<<<Grab these grasshopper craft activities here>>>
Ladybug Craft
<<<Grab these ladybug craft activities here>>>
Snail Craft
<<<Grab these snail craft activities here>>>
Spider Craft
<<<Grab these spider craft activities here>>>
Worm Craft
<<<Grab these worm craft activities here>>>
I hope the kids have an awesome time learning about garden bugs! :)
You can learn more about these bug activities below.
More Fun Bug and Insect Activities
Garden Bugs Dramatic Play
Ladybug Syllable Sort
Butterfly Fine Motor Activities
Insect Life Cycle Activities