Dinosaur Craft Activities for Kids


These dinosaur craft activities help kids learn about ten dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Velociraptor, Pterodactyl, Plesiosaur, Spinosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Parasaurolophus. They include dinosaur craft templates, research and writing activities. They’re perfect for kids in Preschool, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.

Fun Dinosaur Craft Activities for Kids

If you’re planning a dinosaur unit with your students, you’re sure to find the following activities helpful. For each of the dinosaurs, I’ve included a dinosaur craft template AND five worksheets to learn about that dinosaur. If you check out the pictures below, you’ll see the types of dinosaur worksheets that are included.

Easy to Prep Dinosaur Craft Templates

The following dinosaur craft templates are really easy to prep. All you need is some basic materials such as acrylic paint, crayons, scissors and glue. A key feature of these templates which I absolutely LOVE is that the cutting lines are thick. This makes it so much easier for kids who are still developing their scissor skills!


<<<Grab these dinosaur craft templates here>>>

Dinosaur Worksheet Activities

In addition to the craft activities, I’ve also included a set of five worksheets to go with each dinosaur. These are designed to develop research and writing skills.


The Spinosaurus worksheet shown below includes a few features. First the kids can read the sentence. Then they can trace the word Spinosaurus. After that they can complete some research to find out what they ate and where they lived. If you don’t have access to dinosaur books you can assist the kids to research the dinosaurs on the internet. Finally the kids can use crayons or pencils to color the Spinosaurus.


<<<Grab these Spinosaurus craft templates here>>>



The Triceratops labelling worksheet helps kids to read information text and learn new vocabulary. Kids need to begin by cutting out the labels. Next they need to look at the initial sound on the word and if possible sound it out. Most of the words are a bit advanced for young kids to read on their own, so adult assistance is needed. Once the kids know what the word is they need to paste it next to the correct part.


<<<Grab these Triceratops craft templates here>>>

Tyrannosaurus Rex

In the following description worksheet the kids use a “Can Have Are” chart to describe a Tyrannosaurus rex. To complete this activity the kids can conduct research using dinosaur books or the internet.


<<<Grab these T. rex craft templates here>>>


The following Brachiosaurus worksheet provides an easier way for kids to write a description. They just need to write four observations or relevant facts in the circles.


<<<Grab these Brachiosaurus craft templates here>>>


This Velociraptor worksheet includes a research and writing component. Begin by using dinosaur books to write three facts. Then write those facts into three sentences. I usually encourage the kids to write an opinion at the end. For example, you could ask them to complete the sentence “I like the Velociraptor because…”


<<<Grab these Velociraptor craft templates here>>>


The Stegosaurus labelling worksheet is a fun way for kids to learn about the parts of a Stegosaurus.


<<<Grab these Stegosaurus craft templates here>>>


The description worksheet with the circles is great for kids in Preschool or Kindergarten. For really young kids who aren’t learning to write yet, you can ask them to tell you four things about the Ankylosaurus and then scribe their answers in the circles.


<<<Grab these Ankylosaurus craft templates here>>>


I love using the Parasaurolophus worksheet shown below to help kids develop basic research skills. For example, they can use dinosaur books to find out what a Parasaurolophus ate and then circle the answer.


<<<Grab these Parasaurolophus craft templates here>>>


The Plesiosaurus isn’t actually a dinosaur, it’s a marine reptile, but it lived around the same time as dinosaurs. I found it quite interesting learning about so included it as well!


<<<Grab these Plesiosaurus craft templates here>>>


The Pterodactyl is also not a dinosaur, it’s a flying reptile. They’re often interesting to kids, so I’ve included Pterodactyl activities too.


<<<Grab these Pterodactyl craft templates here>>>

I hope the kids have an awesome time learning about dinosaurs. I certainly learnt something new – I didn’t know some dinosaurs like the Stegosaurus have beaks until now! :)


You can learn more about these activities below.



More Fun Dinosaur Activities

Dinosaur Math Centers (0 to 30)

Dinosaur Number Activities for Kids (0 to 30)

FREE Dinosaur Subitizing Game

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FREE Dinosaur Measurement Activities





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